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Buying Land/Regions

Dynamic Worldz Land Marketplace

Select the "Buy Now" button below for the product type you wish to purchase. If extended options are available on that product you will then be given the options to customize your purchase.

Once your selection is made click "add to bag", agree to the T's & C's and proceed to checkout. 

For more info on these and other products see grid owner Danny Cruise in world.

Standard Region

Variable Region


Standard RegionStandard Region

Standard Region

A standard region is a "full sim" or private island that is not attached to any estate or mainland. You may buy any number of standard regions and place them side by side to create a larger area (your own estate).

Standard Homestead Regions are build on shared resource servers. With unto 4 regions on any one server.

Max allowed concurrent or simultaneous avatars: Is set to 20 as default but extra bandwidth is available and the max allowed concurrent avatars (users) can be increased to 40. Selection can be made at checkout.

Owner INWORLD region complete restart through viewer issued command.

Standard Region size 256 x 256 (1 x 1) and is available in:-


 All 1X1 Regions share system resources with up to 4  regions on each server.

  1. Default (Standard) with 8 000 prims
  2. Bronze with 16 000 Prims
  3. Copper with 24 000 Prims


Monthly Tier Fees are:-

The Standard region starts at as little as $5 per month but depending on the extra prims selected from the above list the monthly tier will vary accordingly.


  1. Standard $5.00 per month
  2. Bronze $10 per month
  3. Copper $15 per month

 Further Prim Bolt-On packages may be purchased to further increase your prim allowance should you so choose.



Standard Plus Region (High Traffic Regions)

A Standard Plus Region is a high traffic, high volume "full sim" or private island that is not attached to any public estate or mainland. You may buy any number of standard regions and place them side by side to create a larger area (your own estate).


Ideal for clubs, hangout locations, malls and all other high usage regions that require higher performance.


These regions are built on dedicated 4 Core high end servers with 12Gb of Ram. The servers are built with solid state high speed drives and offer unlimited bandwidth at a download speed of 80Gbps.

Max allowed concurrent or simultaneous avatars: 100

Owner INWORLD region complete restart through viewer issued command.

Standard Commercial Region size 256 x 256 (1 x 1) and is available in:-


 All 1X1 Regions share system resources with up to 4  regions on each server.

  1. Default (Standard) with 20 000 prims
  2. Bronze with 40 000 Prims
  3. Copper with 50 000 Prims
  4. Silver with 60 000 Prims
  5. Gold with 70 000 Prims
  6. Platinum with 100 000 Prims

Monthly Tier Fees are:-

  1. Standard $33.00 per month
  2. Bronze $48 per month
  3. Copper $57 per month
  4. Silver $65 per month
  5. Gold $73.00 per month
  6. Platinum $97.00 per month




Variable RegionsVariable Regions

Build Your Own Variable Regions - Varregion

Variable Regions (Varregion) are similar to private islands or standard regions, but stretched out to cover a greater area. At Dynamic Worldz we offer 5 different sized Variable Regions. If you are considering buying a Variable, please speak to a member of staff or read the wiki page on these types of sims prior to buying.

Variables are available in:-


All Variable Regions come with 20 000 prims as standard. Extra prims are available on order. These regions are run on dedicated system core processors per region, dedicated Ram, high performance bandwidth and 1Gbps comms as standard. With upgrades available for super high performance.

Owner INWORLD region complete restart through viewer issued command.

  1. Tucana Class - 512m x 512m (size of four regions side by side). 
  2. Pegasus Class - 768m x 768m (size of nine regions side by side).
  3. Andromeda Class - 1024m x 1024m (size of sixteen regions side by side). 

       4. Astraeus Class - 1280m x 1280m (size of 25

            regions side by side).          

       5. Omega Class - 1536m x 1536m (size of

            36 regions side by side). 


Monthly Tier Fees :-

 Starts at $12.00 per month


Extra Prims are available at checkout. Extra Prims will be charged monthly in addition to your land tier fee.

Build Your Own Variable Region Plus - Varregion (High Traffic Regions)

Variable Regions (Varregion) are similar to private islands or standard regions, but stretched out to cover a greater area. At Dynamic Worldz we offer 5 different sized Variable Regions.

Ideal for clubs, hangout locations, malls and all other high usage regions that require higher performance


Variables are available in:-

All Variable Regions come with 40 000 prims as standard. Extra prims are available on order. These regions are built on dedicated high end servers housing high speed solid state drives for optimum performance. Multi core processing and generous dedicated ram. All With 100+ concurrent or simultaneous avatar/user access at any one time.

Owner INWORLD region complete restart through viewer issued command.

  1. Tucana Class - 512m x 512m (size of four regions side by side).
  2. Pegasus Class - 768m x 768m (size of nine regions side by side).
  3. Andromeda Class 1024m x 1024m (size of sixteen regions side by side)

     4.  Astraeus Class - 1280m x 1280m (size of twenty

          five regions side by side).

     5.  Omega Class - 1536m x 1536m (size of thirty

          six regions side by side).


Monthly Tier Fees are:-

 Starts at $45.00 per month


Extra Prims are available at checkout. Extra Prims will be charged monthly in addition to your land tier fee.

To LetTo Let


While it is really cheap to own land in Dynamic Worldz we know that not everyone wants a whole region to play with, so we have a selection of residential and commercial properties, developed and undeveloped, available for you to rent without any rolling contract. Starting from free land to very economically priced themed parcels (see the estate agents offices Downtown, TPs are available at the Welcome Centre).

 Private rentals are also available from land (region) owners.

Free Tiki Islands available!

 Free Tropical IslandsFree Tropical Islands

To claim your free Tiki island see Danny Cruise in world.

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